jmtd → log → LaTeX draft documents
I'm writing up a PhD deliverable (which will show up here eventually) using LaTeX, which is my preferred tool for such things, since I also use it for papers, and will eventually be using it for my thesis itself. For this last document, I experimented with a few packages and techniques for organising the document which I found useful, so I thought I'd share them.
What version is this anyway?
I habitually store and develop my documents in git
repositories. From time to
time I generate a PDF and copy it off elsewhere to review (e.g., an iPad).
Later on it can be useful to be able to figure out exactly what source built
the PDF. I achieve this using
\newcommand{\version}{\input|"git describe --always --dirty"}
And \version\
somewhere in the header of the document.
Draft mode
The common document classes all accept a draft
argument, to enable Draft
Various other packages behave differently if Draft Mode is enabled. The graphicx package, for example, doesn't actually draw pictures in draft mode, which I don't find useful. So for that package, I force it to behave as if we were in "Final Mode" at all times:
I want to also include some different bits and pieces in Draft Mode. Although
the final version won't need it, I find having a Table of Contents very helpful
during the writing process. The ifdraft
package adds a convenience macro to
query whether we are in draft or not. I use it like so:
This page will be cut from the final report.
For this document, I have been given the section headings I must use and the number of pages each section must run to. When drafting, I want to include the page budget in the section names (e.g. Background (2 pages)). I also force new pages at the beginning of each Section, to make it easier to see how close I am to each section's page budget.
\section{Work completed\ifdraft{ (1 page)}{}} % 1 Page

Two TODO items in the margin

Collated TODOs in a list
The todonotes package package is one of many that offers macros to make managing
in-line TODO notes easier. Within the source of my document, I can add a TODO
right next to the relevant text with \todo{something to do}
. In the document,
by default, this is rendered in the right-hand margin. With the right argument,
the package will only render the notes in draft mode.
can also collate
all the TODOs together into a single list. The list items are hyperlinked back
to the page where the relevant item appears.
This page will be cut from the final report.
. Am already including it in my PhD thesis!As I tend to forget to use a trailing
after a macro, I usually use thexspace
package to work around that, i.e. something like that should workThe
command did not work for me because I am using latexmk(1) and generate dvi and ps files as well. So, it seems the\input{|cmd}
command is only available in pdflatex(1). After reading a bit more, I came up with a version that works for my use case as well. Here is it (in case, you're interested in compiling ps and dvi files as well):