jmtd → log → phd → PhD Poster
Today the School of Computing organised a poster session for stage 2 & 3 PhD candidates. Here's the poster I submitted. jdowland-phd-poster.pdf (692K)
This is the first poster I've prepared for my PhD work. I opted to follow the "BetterPoster" principles established by Mike Morrison. These are best summarized in his #BetterPoster 2 minute YouTube video. I adapted this LaTeX #BetterPoster template. This template is licensed under the GPL v3.0 which requires me to provide the source of the poster, so here it is.
After browsing around other student's posters, two things I would now add to the poster would be a mugshot (so people could easily determine who's poster it was, if they wanted to ask questions) and Red Hat's logo, to acknowledge their support of my work.