Here's some books I've read in the last 6 months. The aim for this category is to itemize each book as I read it. Why? To keep track of my rate of reading I suppose, and make sure I'm reading widely enough.


  • Monstrous Regiment - Terry Pratchett
  • Going Postal - Terry Pratchett
  • Eric - Terry Pratchett
  • A Scanner Darkly - Philip K Dick
  • Collected stories vol. 4 - Philip K Dick
  • Diary - Chuck Palahniuk
  • Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk
  • Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood
  • Runaway Jury - John Grisham
  • Roderick the Robot - John Sladek
  • The Antipope - Robert Rankin
  • Excession - Iain M Banks
  • Xenocide - Orson Scott Card (aformentioned)

Non Fiction:

  • For Tibet, With Love - Isabel Losada
  • Non-Fiction - Chuck Palahniuk