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I've just passed my 10th anniversary of starting at Red Hat! As a personal milestone, this is the longest I've stayed in a job: I managed 10 years at Newcastle University, although not in one continuous role.

I haven't exactly worked in one continuous role at Red Hat either, but it feels like what I do Today is a logical evolution from what I started doing, whereas in Newcastle I jumped around a bit.

I've seen some changes: in my time here, we changed the logo from Shadow Man; we transitioned to using Google Workspace for lots of stuff, instead of in-house IT; we got bought by IBM; we changed President and CEO, twice. And millions of smaller things.

I won't reach an 11th: my Organisation in Red Hat is moving to IBM. I think this is sad news for Red Hat: they're losing some great people. But I'm optimistic for the future of my Organisation.
