I want to write a blog entry about DebConf but I'm simply lost for words. Thank you to everyone for coming and making it such an incredible two weeks. Thanks to the rest of the orga team for working so hard; thanks to all of the non-orga people who have pitched in and saved the day countless times. For those of you I have not met in person before, it was a pleasure to do so: for those I have, it has been fantastic getting better acquainted.

I am now back home and back online for the first time in months. Its now time to dust off my Debian todo list (NM; packaging etc.) and see what needs doing...

I have at least one objective for the next DebConf (or possibly the next Debian UK BBQ): get the doom stuff in Lenny to a suitable quality that we can have much larger and more reliable deathmatches. I think the teviot building would make an excellent doom map, too.
