I've repeated last year's docker lecture a couple of times recently, now revised and retitled "Introduction to Containers". The material is mostly the same; the demo steps exactly the same and I haven't produced any updated hand-outs this time (sorry). Revised slides: shorter version (terms: CC-BY-SA)

Whilst trying to introduce containers, the approach I've taken is to work up the history of Web site/server/app hosting from physical hosting and via Virtual Machines. This gives you the context for their popularity, but I find VMs are not the best way to explain container technology. I prefer to go the other way and look at a process on a multi-user system, the problems due to lack of isolation and steadily build up the isolation available with tools like chroot, etc.

The other area I've tried to expand on is the orchestration layer on top of containers, and above, including technologies such as Kubernetes and Openshift. If I deliver this again I'd like to expand this material much more. On that note, a colleague recently forwarded a link to a Google research paper originally published in acmqueue in January 2016, Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes which is a great read on the history of containers in Google and what led up to the open sourcing of Kubernetes, their third iteration at designing a container orchestrator.
