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In indexing, we discuss how to go about listing what is stored in a disc image. I recommend using the Linux kernel's loopback mount feature, but there are other tools, with different advantages and disadvantages, which I list here.

Linux loopback mounts

Linux's own support for disc image formats is very strong, and generally I find that this is the best choice of tool, especially if you are going to be extracting the files from the images too.

Error reporting can be less clear than with other tools, if you get read errors trying to enumerate or read the files on a loopback-mounted disc image, it's worth checking your logs (e.g. the kernel ring buffer via dmesg) to see if there's an explanation.

sudo mount -o loop ./my_files.iso /mnt 
cd /mnt
find . -ls


From the Debian package libcdio-utils:

iso-info -l -i my_files.iso


From the Debian package genisoimage:

isoinfo -lJ -i my_files.iso

You may also want -R if you know that your image uses RockRidge extensions.


xorriso is a very versatile tool that can list image contents, but it's quite complex:

xorriso -read_fs "norock" -indev "my_files.iso" -find . -exec report_lba

The above lists the logical block address (LBA) of each file, which is very useful in some circumstances (my tool badiso depends upon it to map files to good or bad regions of the disc image)

xorriso can also be used to calculate MD5 checksums for filenames, for example:

xorriso -read_fs norock -indev my_files.iso -find . -exec make_md5 


From the Debian package p7zip-full:

7z l my_files.iso

One major caveat, 7z cannot handle RockRidge extensions so may not report proper filenames in some circumstances.