?Thanks to Daniel for suggesting I try burning my ISO image with brasero in response to my problems burning images using nautilus. Unfortunately brasero won't offer me a burn ISO option 497226: brasero: Burn button disabled. No indication of why.. I just tried wodim directly and ended up with the same (wrong) sum for the burnt disc as with nautilus cd burner (not suprising really).

I wondered if I was being bitten by 386640: wodim doesn't fixate DVD+R with premastered ISO, but trying to fix the disc did not update the sum.

Taking an image of the burnt disc, I notice that the burnt image is longer size-wise than the input ISO by 10240 bytes. This turns out to be 10240 of zeroes appended to the image.


looking at the output of that console program i noticed it said it was entering TAO (track at once) mode, when if you are burning an iso you are probably going to want to use DAO (disc at once) mode. don't know if that will make the difference. -- mewse
mewse [livejournal.com],