I do a lot of my work in a virtual machine running Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In order to distinguish the terminal windows that are running shells within the VM from the ones running on my laptop's natively, I configure the shell prompt to look different.

For my other systems, I use my punctual prompt system, but for this VM I thought it would be more fun to have something a bit more on-brand.

A Red Hat prompt

Here's a bashrc snippet to achieve this:

export PS1="\[\e[31m\]$hat\[\e[0m\]"

I ended up switching to zsh for my shell in this VM because of a bash bug exposed by trying this out. You shouldn't hit it for the snippet above, but I originally specified the red colour using 256 color escape codes, and this caused width-error bugs when long lines wrapped. zsh doesn't have the same bug, but it can be avoided in bash anyway by using the much older 8 colour escape codes, as above.